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http://www.hteacher.net 2019-12-03 13:58 中国教师资格网 [您的教师考试网]


一、Aims 目标

To learn to make predictions with the sentence pattern: be going to do

学习用be going to do表达预测

To learn to tell prior plans with the sentence pattern: be going to do

学习用be going to do讨论计划

二、Activities 活动

I Guessing Game 猜词游戏


Game 1: What am I going to draw?我要画什么?



T: Look! I’m drawing something on the blackboard. What am I drawing?

S1: You are drawing a circle.

T: Yes, you’re right. But I don’t want to draw a circle only. Look, I’m drawing something else on the circle. What is it? What am I going to draw? Am I going to draw an apple? Am I going to draw an apple? Am I going to draw a mango? Am I going to draw a face? Please guess with the question: Are you going to draw?

S2: Are you going to draw a bowl?

T: Am I going to draw a bowl? Look carefully. I’m adding something more.

S3: Are you going to draw a cat?

T: Am I going to draw a cat?Look carefully, I’m adding something more.

S4: Oh, I know. Are you going to draw a pig?

T: Yes, a pig. I’m drawing a pig now.

【活动提示】这一活动可转化为What is it going to be?教师在调色盘中调和两种颜色如蓝色和黄色(绿色),白色和红色(粉红色),蓝色和红色(紫色),红色和黄色(橙色),等等,让学生们猜新的颜色。这一游戏把英语与美术两种学科结合在一起,自然地引出英语新知识,还能普及色彩的基本常识。

Game 2: What’s next?将要发生什么?


【教学用语】Please look carefully at the picture you have and tell what is happening, and then what the person in the picture is going to do.

II Fortune teller and crystal ball 吉普赛女郎和水晶球


Game 1: Fortune teller/ Harry Potter 占卜师/哈里.波特


【活动说明】教师发给每位学生一张小纸条,让学生们在纸条上写下班级中某位同学的未来,但不用写出他的名字,这个预测可以是严肃的,也可以是开玩笑的,但都应该是正面的、积极的。然后教师把纸条收集起来放在一个盒子里,请一位学生扮演Fortune teller/ Harry Potter,并手持盒子来到各位同学面前,请他们随机抽取纸条,最后由Fortune teller/ Harry Potter来宣读他们的命运。因为写有未来的纸条都是各位学生自己完成的,所以每位学生除了参加活动以外,还能在听到自己的杰作时有极大的成就感,从而提高参与活动的兴趣。

【教学用语】Now I’ll give each of you a small piece of paper. Please write down any of your classmates’ fortune on it. But remember don’t write the name, only write”She/ He is going to ...” Okay, please put your paper in my box. Look, this box is full of your fortunes now. Let’s welcome the fortune now. Let’s welcome the fortune teller to tell us about our fortunes.

【活动提示】如果能戴个Fortune teller的假发套或是戴上Harry Potter的招牌眼睛,穿上斗篷,更能渲染气氛。

Game 2: Crystal ball水晶球

【活动准备】若干信息卡(内容在下面表格里:六个水晶球上面写着fame, money, family life, travel, health, health, study等)。

Information Cards:

Fortune Hunters:

1. You want to be famous2. You want some good news about money matters

3. You want some good news about your future family4. You want some exciting news about travel

5. You want some good news about your health6. You want to do well in your test.

Fortune tellers:

1. You are good at telling something about fame. Predict(预测)a successful(成功) life for everyone you meet. But if they ask you about other things, say that the ball is cloudy and you can’t see.2. You are good at telling something about money matters. Predicting(预测) a good financial(经济) future for everyone you meet. But if they ask you about other things, say that the ball is cloudy and you can’t see.

3. You are good at telling something about family life. Predict(预测) a happy family life and lots of children for everyone you meet. But if they ask you about other things, say that the ball is cloudy and you can’t see.`4. You are good at telling something about travel. Predict(预测) interesting travel experiences for everyone you meet. But if they ask you about things, say that the ball is cloudy and you can’t see.

5. You are good at telling something about health. Predict(预测) a healthy life for everyone you meet. But if they ask you about other things, say that the ball is cloudy and you can’t see.6. You are good at telling something about study. Predict(预测) a good school life for everyone you meet. But if they ask you about other things, say that the ball is cloudy and you can’t see.

【活动说明】这是一个交际性的活动。教师把学生们一分为二: Fortune Tellers和fortune Hunter,并把不同的信息卡发给每位同学。每位Fortune Tellers坐在教室的各个角落等待fortune Hunters的光临,他们分管预测不同的内容,而且个人面前都有一个水晶球;每位fortune Hunters也有各自要询问的内容,他们必须在教室里走动,表述自己的心愿,找到能解答自己问题的Fortune Teller,这样才能知道自己的命运。活动结束后可互换角色。

【教学用语】Today we’re going to play a game---Crystal Ball. You can see many crystal balls here. So half of you are fortune tellers and each of you can have one crystal ball. But you are good at telling different things such as fame, money, family life travel, health, study and so on. And the others are fortune hunters. You want to know your fortune. Please read the information cards you got and find the right fortune teller.

III Busy Susan 忙人苏珊

【活动说明】这个活动以听力的形式介绍了苏珊目前尴尬的处境,发动学生们群策群力,为苏珊设计忙碌的日程表,帮助她婉言谢绝汤姆的邀请。整个故事很生活化,情节夸张有趣,能吸引学生。如果时间充裕,还可进行Role Play作为活动的继续。这一游戏还着重复习了表示将来的不同时间。


1. Let’s listen to a story about Susan and tell what her big problem is now.

2. Fill in the chart.

Time  Activity
Tomorrow night See a film with Jack
This Sunday Visit my grandma in Pudong
Next Monday Go over my lessons
Next weekend  
Next month  
Next year  
Two years later Marry Jack

3. Help Jack to finish her schedule with your group members.

三、Development Activities拓展活动

1. Make resolutions for the New Year制定新年计划

生活有了目标,人们才会有前进的动力。加入今天是除夕,想象一下:在新的一年你有什么打算呢?孩子们还可趁机让大人们也写一份计划,督促他们改掉身上的坏习惯,(如: I’m going to give up smoking.)岂不一举两得。



Next year I’m going to give up smoking.

Next year I’m going to study harder.

Next year I’m going to be a friendly boy.

Next year I’m going to watch TV less.

Next year I’m going to read more English books.

Next year I’m going to be tidier.

2. What are you going to do for your mother’s birthday?



Example: October 11 will be my mother’s birthday. It luckily falls on the next Sunday. So we are going to have a family party for her. I am going to call my grannies to come. I am going to the shop to buy a birthday card for her. On that day, we are not going to let my mother do housework. My father and I are going to do that ...







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