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小学英语面试-《Unit 5 Do you like pears?》试讲稿

http://www.hteacher.net 2019-12-31 15:59 中国教师资格网 [您的教师考试网]

Step1 Lead-in

Good morning boys and girls. How are you today? Here I have a magic box. Do you want to know what things are in the magic box? Let’s guess what are in this magic box. Do you want to have a touch? Let’s touch them. How do they feel? Are they warm or cold? Do you want to smell them? Let’s smell them! What are they? Fruit!

Step2 Presentation and Practice

(教师从Magic box中取出一个苹果)What is it? Do you like apples? Yes? So please say, Yes, I do. (板书苹果的简笔画)What is it? (教师从Magic box中取出一个梨)Do you like pears? No? So, you should say No, I don’t. (教师从Magic box中取出一个香蕉) What is it? Do you like bananas? Yes? And you say what? Yes, I do! Good job!

What fruit do I like? Do you want to know? Do I like bananas or oranges? You can guess and ask me!

Now, you will guess what fruit does you partner like. Use the sentence: Do you like…? Now, let’s talk!

Step4 Consolidation

Next, let’s listen to the tape. But first, let’s guess!

Does Sarah like pears?Does Sarah like oranges?What do they buy?Pay attention to these questions.

Finished. Does Sarah like pears? You please. Yes, she does. Sit down please. Does Sarah like oranges? No, she doesn’t. Good job.

Now, listen again and you try to read together with the tape.

This time, you and your partner will have a role-play. One could be Sarah, the partner could be mom. You try to act out their conversations in the supermarket.

Game time! Now, let’s find our fruit friends. (Teacher model教师指着黑板上的简笔画apple,oranges等水果) Do you like apples? Do you like oranges? Do you like bananas? Don’t tell me. Just choose one as your favorite fruit. I like bananas, I want to find my friend. Do you like bananas? No? Sorry. Do you like bananas? Yes, you do? Good! Nice to meet you, I like bananas, too! Let’s go together. Now you know how to play this game. You will have 5 mins to find your friends.

Step4 Summary

It is almost the end of our class. What have we learned today? Yes, we have learned some fruit, such as apples, bananas, oranges, and pears. What else? What sentences did we learned? When we want to ask the fruit they like, how do we ask? We can say: Do you like pears? And how to answer this question? Yes, I do./ No, I don’t.

We all like fruit because it can help us stay healthy and strong. There is an old saying goes “An apple a day, keeps the doctor away.” Remember to eat more fruit!

Step5 Homework

Next Friday there will be a fruit party, so every students need to make a list, write down what fruit you like using sentence I like … so that we could prepare in advance.

See you next time.

教材:人教版 三年级下册 Unit 5 Do you like pears? Let’s tal






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