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小学英语面试-《Unit 1 Welcome back to school》试讲稿

http://www.hteacher.net 2019-12-31 16:03 中国教师资格网 [您的教师考试网]

Step1 Lead-in

Good morning boys and girls!

Boys and girls, today I am going to show you an interesting chant, and it is a story about a cat. Do you want to chant with me? Alright, let’s begin.

Dad has a black cat.

The cat is in the bag.

Dad has a black cat.

The bag is in his hand.

Good job everybody!Clap hands for ourselves!

Step2 Presentation and Practice

Everybody,look at these words carefully,do you find they have anything in common? Very good! You find that they all have a letter “a” in spelling. What else do you find? Try to read these words one more time to see if you can find any sounds in common. Well done! All the letter a in these words has the same sound /æ/.

Look my mouth /k/-/æ/-/t/, cat. Think that how many sounds do you hear in the word “cat”? Three, right? What are they? /k/,/æ/,/t/. What about this one, /b/-/æ/-/g/, bag. How many sounds do you hear?

Next, we will play Hot seat! Do you remember hot seat? Yes! Are you ready? Wonderful!

You will be divided into groups, each group choose one member to play this game. All students have chances to play, so don’t worry. Here we have three chairs in the middle of the class. Listen to me carefully, cat, cat. Where is the sound /t/ in cat?Beginning, middle, or end? One, two, go! Who is the fastest? Group 3!! Amazing! (repeat several times)

Step4 Consolidation

Everybody let us turn to page 6, and look at the words in Read, listen and circle. Can you read it? /k/-/æ/-/t/, cat, it is a cat; I like cat. /b/-/æ/-/g/, bag. I have a bag. He has a bag. /d/-/æ/-/d/, dad. Dad has a cat. Do you know this word? Good. Read after me: Canada, /k/-/æ/-/n/-/ə/-/d/-/ə/.

Now, listen to the tape carefully, and circle the word you hear. Check the answer with your partner.

Do you finish? Now, move to next part, listen to the tape, and when you listen, trace the words. I see many of you write carefully, anyone wants to write on the blackboard? Yes, you please! Everyone look at the blackboard. How about his writing? Perfect though it’s a little small. Thank you, please go back to you seat. Who wants to write on the blackboard?

Step4 Summary

It is almost the end of our class. What have we learned today? Yes, we have learned some new words such as cat, dad, bag and so on. What else? What did you find in these words? Yes, you are so smart. There is a letter a in all these words, and a sounds /æ/.

You see that in the word there are always something in common, if we observe and think more carefully we could find useful roles of words to help us read the words.

Step5 Homework

Today’s homework is try to find more words with letter a sounds /æ/ in the dictionary. You will share these words you find in next class.

See you next time!

教材:人教版 三年级下册 Unit 1 Welcome back to school Let’s spell






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